Can I make Cinema 4D Organizational Floating/Volume licenses release?

  • Updated

In Organizations you can administrate your organizational licenses conveniently and assign the licence types floating and volume to both Groups as well directly to people. Still, the system is optimized for a good experience when users mainly keep their licenses. Hence by default they refresh only every 7 days and without interaction are also held by one user for 7 days after the last usage before going back to the pool.

To get License-Server like behaviour
The Maxon License server by default released the license on Quit of Cinema 4D or after several minutes of no "keep alive" signal (e.g. when the workstation was shut down or put on standby without closing Cinema 4D). To achieve this behaviour with Organizational accounts, we suggest the following:

In each Cinema 4D installation folder, go into the sub-folder resource, open config.txt and add the lines:

Save the file (potentially you must edit it as an admin, or save somewhere else and paste it into the folder due to OS folder permission restrictions).

You can vary the license lease time, but we suggest to not keep it too short as it could cause hickups - something like half an hour or hour should be a good range.

Please be aware this solution only works with Cinema 4D / Cinema 4D Redshift. The Red Giant Application Manager will require local logout to release the license instead.

Please note, you will need to do this after an update, reinstall or upgrade, as the the config.txt will get overwritten.

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