GoZ for iPad Support

Matthew Yetter
Matthew Yetter
  • Updated

With the release of ZBrush 2025, we are introducing the ability to use GoZ to send files from ZBrush for iPad to ZBrush desktop, or vise versa. This is an extremely powerful feature, but has some important caveats to be aware of.

First and foremost, this is a ZBrush 2025 feature. You will not be able to use GoZ to send files from ZBrush for iPad to any earlier ZBrush version.

Second, the two devices must be on the same network and able to actually see each other. This is where the majority of hiccups are likely to come from, because it can be tricky to network iPad with desktop machines, regardles of whether the desktop machine is Windows or Mac.

While we have worked to resolve the most common causes of failure, it is impossible for us to address every possibility. A great deal is dependent upon your unique network setup, including routers, firewalls, and security software. Please understand that Maxon support cannot typically resolve connectivity issues.

The GoZ connection between iPad and desktop is made through the Maxon API. This requires the Maxon App to be installed on the desktop machine. However, as this implementation of GoZ requires a Maxon subscription (either ZBrush or Maxon One) and all Maxon subscriptions require the Maxon App, it should already be present on your desktop computer.

If you are having trouble networking your iPad with your desktop machine, it is recommended to do a web search on the topic, being sure to specify the version of iOS that your iPad is running and the specific operating system version (such as Windows 11) that is on your desktop.

For Windows users, please ensure that ZBrush is set as an approved app in Windows Defender.  Do this for both the Inbound and Outbound options.  This can necessary even if you are using a different antivirus software!

There may be cases where the network issues cannot be identified. If that happens, there are alternative methods to transfer files between iPad and desktop.  Both ZBrush desktop and ZBrush for iPad support the same ZTL and ZPR file formats.  This means that you can simply copy the files between machines manually.

If you cannot get GoZ to work and your desktop machine is a Mac, one option is to use Airdrop. This can be used by Apple device owners to send files to a folder location. However, unlike with GoZ you must then maually load the file into ZBrush after transferring in this way.

You can also use any other traditional file transfer method to send files to and from your iPad. These can include USB cables or drives, cloud storage services, network connections, etc.

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