Why is there a watermark with my active subscription?

Doug Y
Doug Y
  • Updated

Most watermarks are resolved by checking over the following variables in this order:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Maxon App.
    The latest Maxon App is available for download from the top of this page.
  2. Make sure your products are marked as licensed.
    Licensed products show a green icon.
    • Use the Assign License option in the right-hand side menu if needed.


  3. Check for a watermark in a brand new project (i.e. not a project you were seeing watermarks on).
    This helps ensure your editing program is not working with cached information as we check that licensing is working correctly.
    • If there is no watermark on a brand new project, clean out the render cache of the host, then re-open the original project you'd been seeing watermarks on.
      To clean out the render cache:
      • After Effects: Edit > Purge > Image Cache Memory
      • Premiere: Sequence > Delete Render Files
      • Final Cut Pro X: File > Delete Generated Event Files
    • If there is still a watermark on a brand new project, and the Maxon App shows you are in a licensed state, use the top right menu of the Maxon App to send us an Error Log via a troubleshooting ticket and we'll go from there.

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