The license server can be run from the command-line or can be set up to run as a windows service so that it automatically starts when you boot your server. Running from the command-line is convenient for testing, but we recommend running the RLM server as a service once it's been confirmed to be working.
Running the RLM license server from the command line
From the command-line, change directory to the folder which contains the Maxon RLM server files.
pushd C:\maxon_rlm
Run the license server executable, specifying the log folder.
rlm -dlog rlm.log
Running the RLM license server as a Windows service
Installing a service usually requires administrative privileges. Open a command-prompt as Administrator. From the command-line, change directory to the folder which contains the Maxon RLM server files.
pushd C:\maxon_rlm
Then run the following command to tell the rlm server to install itself as a service.
rlm -install_service -service_name RLM-Maxon -dlog +rlm.log
You must then start the RLM-Maxon service (only required the first time).
net start RLM-Maxon
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