Scripted Install Instructions

  • Updated

For Maxon App versions including Maxon App 2024.1.0 and newer:


  1. Download Maxon App installer for Windows from
  2. Open command prompt, running as Administrator.  Note: running command prompt without Administrator privileges will cause the install to fail.
  3. In the Command Prompt, go to the directory containing the Maxon App installer executable.
  4. Run the executable with the following parameters:
       <Full Installer Name>.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none

       Note: The installer will skip Maxon App launch if unattended mode UI is set to none.

You can add

--skipMaxonAppGui 1

to skip installation of Maxon App GUI if desired!

     <Full Installer Name>.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --skipMaxonAppGui 1


  1. Download Maxon App installer for Windows from
  2. Run the downloaded dmg file.
  3. Right click on the Maxon App in the Maxon App Installer GUI and select Show Package Contents.

  4. Open the /Contents/MacOS/ folder in the Finder window that opens up to see the
  5. Open a terminal window and drag the into the terminal window.
  6. Use the following parameters when executing the script:
       sudo --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none


       Note: Running as ‘sudo’ is required as the installer needs elevated permissions to run. Using this will require the user to have administrator privileges.

       Note: The installer will skip Maxon App launch if unattended mode UI is set to none.

       You can add:

--skipMaxonAppGui 1 

to skip installation of Maxon App GUI if desired!

       sudo <Full Installer Name>. app/Contents/MacOS/ --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --skipMaxonAppGui 1

For Maxon App versions prior to Maxon App 2024.1.0:


  1. Download Maxon App installer for Windows from
  2. Run the downloaded exe file and click Yes when prompted "Do you want to install Maxon App installer?"

  3. After the GUI installer is displayed, right click on the Maxon App Installer icon in the task bar.  (Do not close the installer GUI)


  4. In the pop-up menu, right click on Maxon App Installer and then select Properties.

  5. Copy the location in the properties panel.

  6. Open command prompt, running as Administrator.  Note: running command prompt without Administrator privileges will cause the install to fail.
  7. Go to the folder in step 5 in Command Prompt.  Add the scripts folder to the path.
  8. Run install.bat in the folder.  Add
    to skip installation of Maxon App GUI if desired. If not, leave that part out of the command.

Note: Do not close the Maxon App Installer GUI during this process or the temporary folder will be removed.  Do the following to have the files in a permanent location and allow close of Maxon App Installer GUI.

  • Open the temporary location in Step 5 in File Explorer.
  • Create a folder in desired place.
  • Copy the packages and Scripts in temporary folder to the created folder.
  • Run the install.bat in the Scripts folder as shown in step 7 above.


  1. Download Maxon App installer for Windows from
  2. Run the downloaded dmg file.

  3. Right click on the Maxon App in the Maxon App Installer GUI and select Show Package Contents.

  4. Open the scripts folder in the Finder window that opens up to see the

  5. Open a terminal window and drag the into the terminal window.  Add
    to skip installation of Maxon App GUI if desired. If not, leave that part out of the command and continue. 

Offline Installation Instructions:

  1. From a machine with internet access, download the required WebView2 component from here:
  2. Copy the downloaded installer from that machine to the target machine(s)
  3. Run the WebView2 installer on the target machine(s)
  4. Remove “net.maxon.neutrino.mswebview.installer” zip file from the packages folder
  5. Run the Maxon App installer on the target machines(s) - no Internet access should be required

Red Giant

These installers will automatically detect and install to the available host applications.

  1. Download the stand alone installers from our downloads page here:
  2. Extract the installation files to a local drive
  3. Run the installation script
  4. Open a Terminal window (macOS) or Command Prompt (Windows)
    1. Navigate to the directory containing the installation script
      1. Windows:“Installer x.xx\Scripts”
      2. Mac:“Installer”
  5. Run bash (macOS) or install.bat (Windows)


Note: The Mac installation script is located within the standard GUI installer. Right-click the .app file, click “Show Package Contents”, and navigate to Contents/Scripts/


Cinema 4D

Instructions can be found under the "Command Line Installation for Linux" section:



Scripted but not fully silent installation can be achieved on Windows using the "zero-install zip" and running some custom scripts. The exact steps will depend on what host applications the customer is using.

  • Redshift Core
  • Cinema 4D
    • Note that the account running install_c4d.bat requires "write" privileges to the destination directory. You may need to run this as Administrator.
    • cd C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Plugins\C4D install_c4d.bat R26 "C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D R26\plugins" <-- be sure to adjust based on your C4D version
  • Houdini
    • The houdini.env file will need to be modified to include the following (with appropriate changes for the RS install location):
        PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/bin;$PATH"
        HOUDINI_PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/${HOUDINI_VERSION};&"
  • Maya
    • We recommend using a Maya module file to configure Maya to find Redshift and its dependencies. I have attached an example module file for Maya 2020 (redshift4maya.mod). You may need to edit it if you use non-standard paths. Note that if you use a module file you should remove all Redshift-related entries from your Maya.env file if present.
  • For 3ds Max
    • Note that the commands below assume Redshift is in the default install directory. It also assumes you're installing for 3ds Max 2021.
      xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Redshift\bin\*" "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021" /e /h /f /y
      xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Plugins\3dsMax\Qt\*" "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021" /e /h /f /y
      xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Plugins\3dsMax\scripts" "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\scripts" /e /h /f /y
      copy C:\ProgramData\Redshift\Plugins\3dsMax\2021\nt-x86-64\redshift4max.dlr "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\plugins\"



Be aware that silent installation (or uninstall) will only install the ZBrush client.

For ZBrush, it is possible to pass options to an installer running in unattended mode with syntax of:

--param1 value1

For testing or automation purposes it's usually more convenient to pass the installer a "response file" that contains predefined settings. The options file gets passed with the switch:


It contains an INI-style file which keys the names of the options it accepts:





More information about silent installation for ZBrush may be found at and

Finally, some info that has been reported to us by an admin installing on Mac OS X:

• The executable that needs to be run for Mac OS X users is, found in the installer bundle in /Contents/MacOS/

• If you do not run it as superuser (sudo) or root, the logged-in user is prompted in the GUI for administrator credentials.

• The options that can be set by parameter (or by --optionfile) can be listed by running ./ --help

• You would think that giving the full path to the executable would work (e.g., sudo ./Volumes/ZBrush\ 4R7\ P2\ FL\ Installer/ZBrush\ 4R7\ P3\ Installer\ OSX\ --help) but it does not if you are manually entering it in the Terminal. You need to cd into the directory and then run the executable from there (i.e. cd /Volumes/ZBrush\ 4R7\ P2\ FL\ Installer/ZBrush\ 4R7\ P3\ Installer\ OSX\ ; sudo ./ --help). Strangely enough, if you are running it as root from a shell script or other user-less context, it does seem to work.



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