Redshift 3.5.17 (2023.07) - July 19, 2023

Doug Y
Doug Y
  • Updated
  • [Maya] Added support for Maya 2024 (macOS and Linux
  • [Max] Fixed incorrect focal length calculation that broke Bokeh depth-of-field in Optical camera mode
  • [Max] Fixed issue where upgrading scene to Optical camera mode does not apply exposure compensation
  • [Max] Fixed issue where upgrading scene to Optical camera mode converts global Bokeh and Lens Distortion instead of overrides
  • [Max] Fixed issue where Post FX configuration could be overwritten from the wrong source when creating or adjusting camera modifiers
  • [Max] Fixed issue where global backplate is reset when rendering
  • [Max] Fixed issue where switching between OSL shaders in the material editor did not update the UI and/or crashed 3ds Max
  • [Max] Fixed issue where vertex-based deformation blur was not applied to a non-animated mesh
  • [Max] Fixed issue where stale Post FX configuration could be pushed to Render View during IPR update
  • [C4D] Added experimental support for multi-threaded expansion for cloners
  • [C4D] Addressed a few issues leading to reduced interactivity when procedural projections were used
  • [C4D] Addressed an assertion error when linking an environment shader to a portal light
  • [C4D] Addressed a rare crash during C4D shutdown
  • [C4D] Addressed an issue in material previews leading to node disconnections to render as if the connections were still active
  • [C4D] Changed the batch conversion of C4D materials which now creates to create graphs based on RSStandard instead of RSMaterial
  • [Houdini] Added support for the "width" point attribute to configure the RS Strands, along with "pscale" and "strand_scale"
  • [Houdini] Added the "Redshift_RVCopyRenderRegion" hscript command to copy the RV render region to the current camera crop parameters
  • [Houdini] Add new "Improved Merge-based Export Workflow" option to the RS Proxy Export SOP that can help while exporting nested subnet nodes
  • [Houdini] Fixed the LUT parameters in the RS PostFX COP node
  • [Houdini] Fixed a bug in the procedurals instancing code
  • [Houdini] Fixed a crash while rendering curves with no points
  • [Houdini] Fixed a problem in the VOP node params GUI when linked to another node
  • [Houdini] Fixed a problem in the portal lights transparency parameter
  • [Houdini] Fixed a crash while rendering scenes with not valid crop values in the camera node
  • [Houdini] Fixed a rounding issue in the rendering region calculation that resulted in a missing border pixel line
  • [Houdini] Minor update in the RS Material Builder to remove the KineFX tab
  • [Hydra] Added support for ngons tessellation and displacement
  • [Hydra] Added the missing transparency parameter to the portal lights
  • [Hydra] Addressed the support of the asset resolvers in the string user attributes holding asset paths
  • [Hydra] Fixed the lack of custom AOVs default shaders using the new "Used as Hydra Custom AOV Default Shader" param to the USD material builder and output VOP nodes
  • [Hydra] Fixed a problem with the displacement autobump parameter
  • [Hydra] Fixed a problem with the ngons normals computation when they are not available
  • [Hydra] Fixed an issue in the Linux builds that affected some Linux distributions
  • [Hydra] Fixed a viewport rendering problem while updating some shader nodes connections
  • [Hydra] Fixed a crash while rendering deep files from the Redshift LOP
  • [Hydra] NGons triangulation code updated to support polygons up to 16k vertices
  • [Hydra] Minor update in the RS Proxy and USDProc LOPs to fix the primpath for guide component
  • [Katana] Added support for ngons tessellation and displacement
  • [Katana] Fixed a bug in the Sun Lights introduced in RS 3.5.15
  • [Katana] Fixed a problem in the portal lights transparency parameter
  • [Katana] Fixed a live rendering problem while updating some shader nodes connections
  • [Blender] Fixed issue that occurred when the name of the linked Light for the Physical Sky and the name of the object's container did not match
  • [Blender] Allow the user to set values greater than 1 for Light & Ray Contribution & Scales
  • [Blender] Fixed Blender scene unit scale values, applied to 'Spherical Aberration' for the camera DoF parameters
  • [Blender] Fixed issue updating Environment image changes in IPR mode
  • [USD Procedural] Fixed a problem with the displacement autobump effect
  • [USD and Alembic Procedurals] Fixed a crash while rendering proxy objects that include the procedural with different motion blur settings
  • [USD and Alembic Procedurals] Added support for the procedural instancing stored inside proxy objects or scenes
  • [USD and Alembic Procedurals] Fixed several problems while rendering proxy scenes including the procedural
  • [RenderView] Support logarithmic sliders for f-stop and shutter time ratio
  • [RenderView] Improved display of values in edit boxes associated with slider controls
  • [RenderView] Fixed issue where editing Post FX can result in value-snapping of unrelated float parameters, causing unintentional edits in the scene
  • [RenderView] Fixed issue where slider handles do not track correctly with the mouse pointer when dragging
  • [RenderView] Fixed issue where sliders with expanding ranges never contract again
  • [RT] Fixed a memory corruption error which would lead to strong visual artifacts and freezes
  • [RT] Significantly improved SSS convergence speed
  • [All] Added new Jitter shader node to all supported DCC host applications
  • [All] Added new MatCap shader node to all supported DCC host applications
  • [All] Fixed VRAM memory leak issue that could happen with scene loads when hardware acceelerated ray tracing was enabled
  • [All] Fixed SSS count assert bug introduced in 3.5.16 that could occur under certain combinations of point-based GI and point-based SSS and ray-traced SSS
  • [All] Fixed matte-shadow corruption bug introduced in 3.5.16 that could occur when point-based GI is enabled
  • [All] Fixed bug that could cause a crash after disconnected RSUserData shader nodes from a material

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