This update is highly recommended for all C4D users.
For an in-depth look at the new features in Cinema 4D 2024.0, check out:
Rocket Lasso's What's New in Cinema 4D 2024.0 video
New Features
Rigid Bodies
Rigid Body tag added to unified simulation system
Natively interact with deformable simulation types
Determine when objects starts to be simulated - immediately, on collision, at velocity peak
Set initial velocity, direction, and rotation for the object
Set threshold for when the simulation stops
Set collision parameters - friction, bounciness, stickiness, thickness
Set custom density or mass of an object
Calculate simulations via CPU or GPU
Set initial state of pyro simulation
New emission type - points
Emission falloff and emission maps
New pyro caching workflows
Set naming convention for cached files
Up-Res existing pyro simulation in the cache settings
Up-Res settings for resolution, noise, speed and falloff
Add pyro tag directly to a standard particle emitter, thinking particle geometry or matrix cloner
Vertex Normal Editing
New vertex normal editing manager
Adjust the strength and space for manipulating vertex normals
Quick commands to align normals in a specific direction for all or selected elements
Quickly copy vertex normals to neighbouring elements
Flip normals
Phong Shading Improvements - Weighted
New evaluation method added to VAMP - Closet Polygon (With Data Breaks)
Pattern Selection - repeat selection on a mesh
Projection Deformer - Project all the points of one object onto another
Posemoprhs support normal tag data
Symmetry object behavior with splines when using cut and weld options is improved
Modelling Brush now has a new option "preserve boundary" which will preserve both mesh and selection boundaries when moving points
Surface Smear added to modelling brushes.
Notes/Annotations - Colorful Sticky notes for documenting nodes setups
Scaffolds - Visually group nodes with custom names and colors
Folded Ports - Directly access calculated values like Length or Normal on Vector ports
Connect Node - Improved Connect can now combine lots of meshes/splines into a single geometry
Clone Onto Points - Copy geometry onto geometry, point arrays, or distributions
Transform Geometry Node - (Formerly: Transform Element) is now significantly faster
Explode Mesh Islands Node - Break up topological islands of a single mesh into an array of meshes
Explode Spline Segments Node - Split splines into an array of separate segments
Create Normals if Missing - Checks meshes for normal information, and calculates it if missing
Modulo - Select repeating patterns based on poly/point index
Port Presets - Drag & Drop UI widgets from the Asset Browser to create ports and capsule UIs.
Resource Editor and Edit Port Dialog - UI Improvements to simplify and stabilize the interface
Node Editor Layout - Built-in attributes panel active by default to improve material editing workflow for dual-monitor setups.
Context Menus have been changed in the Node Editor to reduce redundancy
More Icons - Icons have been added to the most used nodes.
Preferences - Import/Export Target to select the node space to be used
Importer/Exporter improvements - new global "Convert to Redshift" commands for lights and camera
FBX - Updated to version 2020.3.4 and Redshift supported materials, lights and cameras
glTF/GLB - .glb file format support and Redshift supported materials
ForgerIO - Support for materials, lights and cameras
GoZ - Dynamic subdivisions supported and Redshift supported materials
USD - Material support
Alembic - Redshift camera support
OBJ - Redshift supported materials
CAD (iges,step, SLDPRT, SLDASM, catia) - Camera support
SKP - Material and camera support
Texture Baking on export
glTF animation settings on export has PLA and Pose Morph enabled
General Enhancements
Viewport Options - Polygon Indexes and Point Indexes
Commander Improvements - Contextual hiding and filtering of commands
Pre-subdivision option allows users to subdivide models in linear mode before subdividing your object
Align to Spline Overshoot - Allows the position of an object to loop, clamp or extend beyond the spline length
- Fixed a stability issue with some Mesh tools in Edge mode.
- Fixed a stability issue with the Extrude tool when being applied to some edge selections
- Fixed some stability issues with the viewport when switching between different views.
Known Issues
- Standard Materials that use a Substance Shader cannot be converted to a RS Node Material
- Import of FBX files with Substance into the RS Nodes will be baked Substance textures.
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