IMPORTANT: To support the new particle system in Cinema 4D 2024 the minimum required version of the 2024 plugin has been increased to 2024.4
[C4D] Added localization for German and Korean (in all supported versions of C4D)
[C4D] Added support for rendering material previews in the background with the CPU, at the same time as any IPR or final renders. This is controlled by a new material preview mode option in the preferences
[C4D] Added support for the new Cinema 4D particle system in 2024.4
[C4D] Fixed a color-management issue with Substances in Nodes, ShaderGraph, and emulated Standard materials
[C4D] Fixed bug where the default material was ignored when material override was enabled
[C4D] Fixed bug where material previews in Nodes might be blank under certain conditions
[C4D] Fixed bug where objects with no materials were ignored by the material override options
[C4D] Fixed bug where the IPR would not detect changes to the RSObject tag under certain conditions
[Maya] Added mechanism for specifying light lists on Toon material
[Maya] Fixed bug with broken Custom AOV
[Maya] RS shader menu button now defaults to rsStandardMaterial
[Maya] Added optimization for processing of n-gons during scene parsing
[Max] Added support for RS Material Output material
[Max] Fixed bug in Redshift Color Picker where alpha controls were not shown/hidden correctly
[Max] Support Autodesk fixes from 3ds Max 2024.2 that address quantization/overflow of colors sent to and from Redshift Color Picker
[Max] Redshift Light Lister now opens color picker as a modeless (non-blocking) window to work around 3ds Max SDK limitations
[Houdini] Added support for Houdini 20.0.625 and 20.0.653 and dropped support for 20.0.506 and 20.0.547
[Houdini] Additional improvements to the error handling functions to prevent Houdini crashes after any Redshift render-time critical issue
[Houdini] Added new option to the RS OBJ spare parameters to disable the automatic instancing of the procedural packed alembics
[Houdini] Added error messages when failing to write image or proxy files on disk
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the IPR updating of the materials params just after assigning them to any new object
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the IPR updating of the materials after some VOP nodes rewiring events
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the RSLight and RSDomeLight texture color space options
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could crash Redshift if a new scene is loaded while the IPR is rendering
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the rendering of shader nodes already available in previous scenes with the same node name
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the "Redshift_setGPU" hscript command if used after initialize Redshift
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the transformations of the alembic procedural instances
[Houdini] Fixed bug that could affect the viewport rendering feature on Linux
[Houdini] Improved IPR update of volume objects after modifying the grid names in the volume shaders
[Houdini] Addressed the Single Pass Deep Output "Disable Lights" feature to also disable global and sky environments
[Hydra] Added support for Solaris 20.0.625 and 20.0.653 and dropped support for 20.0.506 and 20.0.547
[Hydra] Added support for ramps with multiple interpolation types in the knots
[Hydra] Added RSPhysicalSky LOP to help in the configuration of the RS sun/sky environment
[Hydra] Added support for the Solaris/Hydra "Stop/Resume" rendering workflow as replacement for the "Pause/Resume" feature not supported by the core
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could cause a crash if the tangent attributes can't be computed due to the lack of normals or uvs
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could cause that matting or visivility do not work with PointInstancer using instanceable primitives as prototypes
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could cause viewport updating problems in the instances visibility or matte options
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could cause problems while working with multiple UV maps
[Hydra] Fixed bug in the Redshift and RenderVars LOPs single layer EXR files when there are no additional AOVs
[Hydra] Fixed bug in the Redshift LOP that was making it time-dependent while rendering cryptomatte or deep AOVs
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could cause problems to load the Hydra plugin on Linux in some Solaris 20.0 versions
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could affect the default light intensity in batch rendering
[Hydra] Fixed bug that could affect the orientation of the volume instances
[Hydra] Devices configuration options exposed in the Solaris viewport settings
[Hydra] Downsampling Rate parameter exposed in the Redshift LOP
[USD Procedural] Added support for MacOS Apple Silicon
[Katana] Added support for global arbitrary user attributes
[Katana] Added error messages when failing to write image or proxy files on disk
[Metal] Fix crash when first rendering with IPR on M3
[HIP] Added support for OSL, required driver 23.Q4
[CPU] Fixed random CPU crashes
[RT] Fixed a bug leading to strong fireflies
[RT] Fixed several convergence issues, leading to better convergence in a large number of cases, leading to significantly better sampling convergence
[RT] Improved navigation quality and fixed a bug producing ghosting effects
[RT] The denosier has less color bleeding and flickering under motion
[RT] Improved Mesh Light sampling
[All] Added Programmable Volume Shaders (inc. major refactor and improvements of volume sampling and shading technology)
[All] Added new Toon Material
[All] Added new Tonemap Pattern Shader for toon
[All] Added new Contour Shader for toon
[All] All new mesh light technology, to bring mesh light features and quality in line with other area lights
[All] Added texturable opacity control to area lights
[All] Unified Volumetric Fog and Volume Object rendering techonology for a better integration
[All] Added Jendersie-D'Eon anisotropy model
[All] Added Scalar and Color Volume Attribute Shaders that allow volume attribute lookup
[All] Changed the behaviour of the shadow cut-off threshold optimization
[All] Added raybouncelevel output to RS State Shader
[All] Fixed a bug that caused volume emission being too strong in reflection
[All] Fixed a CUBE file parsing bug resulting in some LUT files failing to load
[All] Fixed a crash when knots were removed from the RS Ramp shader
[All] Fixed recently introduced bug that could cause this error message: "Range for 'm_InstanceIDMOD' has been overwritten (by later recursions) and was not marked as 'WillBeReadInTheFuture'"
[All] Standard Material transmission single scatter now more artist friendly and predictable, based on the new OpenPBR spec
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