New Features
Maxon Studio Gains Vertical capsule support. Launching with 200 new Vertical capsules Studio use these handy capsules to enhance your social content.
Maxon Studio sorting options gain Vertical and Horizontal capsule sorting options.
Maxon Studio gains a new scaling feature that allows you to apply a capsules that either Fits to your composition size, fits to width, fits to height, or applies at the original capsules size.
Minor UI changes to sorting and category buttons in Maxon Studio.
Added Maxon Studio Button to all Magic Bullet, Trapcode, and VFX plugins in After Effects.
Added a Form defaults button to Particular, putting all the power of Form just a single click away.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Studio’s thumbnails were loading extra slow on first launch
Fixed a bug where Studio’s Footage replacement was not working in Japanese
Fixed a bug where Studio’s Replace footage control name could spill past max length and fill the UI
Fixed a bug where Studio’s replace footage feature had a mask issue on some capsules
Fixed a bug where Studio’s param numbers could overflow their bounds when keyframed
Fixed a bug where Geo’s Base color was tinting and clamping env maps
Fixed a bug where Geo’s Adjusting material params causes multi Cloner objects to merge
Fixed a bug where Geo was crashing AE when opening some existing projects
Fixed a bug where Mir Obj sequences were not working
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