Cinema 4D 2024.4.1 - May 28, 2024

Doug Y
Doug Y
  • Updated

This update is highly recommended for all 2024 users.

Bug Fixes

Character Animation

  • Fixed an issue with a joint chain originally imported from FBX where a bone was not visible in the Viewport


  • Fixed a stability issue with the Bevel deformer


  • Fixed a stability issue when importing uncached simulation scenes into Unreal Engine


  • Fixed an issue when selecting polygons that were oriented 90 degrees to the orthogonal view
  • Fixed an issue with the Break Phong Rounding option of Spline-to-Mesh generators having no effect
  • Fixed an issue with the Create Cluster command not recognizing selections mirrored by the Symmetry function
  • Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer not beveling all edges of openings
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Angle Threshold setting of the Bevel Deformer
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Thicken command
  • Fixed an issue with the Thicken command and generator where intersections at larger Thickness values were not resolved properly
  • Fixed an issue with the selection tools and the disabled option "Visible Only" where not all polygons were selected


  • Fixed an issue with animated boolean values not being evaluated correctly by the Track field's "Recalculate Inputs" button


  • Fixed a stability issue with the Distribution parameter of the Cloner Object when switching from Surface to Volume


  • Fixed an issue with collisions of cached Pyro simulations
  • Fixed an issue with XPresso that stopped the simulation of all particle emitters in a project, even if they should not be driven
  • Fixed an issue with the Spline Emitter not updating the emission when the Restriction Threshold was changed
  • Fixed an issue with the Look modifier producing incorrect results if no Vector value was defined
  • Fixed an issue with the Start Frame parameter of the particle emitters no longer being correct if the project frame range was changed afterwards
  • Fixed an issue where particles were not emitted when a Simulation Scene was present in the Object Manager
  • Fixed an issue with the Reproduce Emitter where the particles did not work with Direction set as Target
  • Fixed an issue where caching a Balloon simulation in combination with particles led to incorrect results
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Mapper modifier in conjunction with the Velocity Speed property did not produce the expected result
  • Fixed an issue with the Mesh Emitter not emitting particles from the saved polygon selection
  • Fixed an issue where interactive rendering in Bucket mode did not work properly with a Rigid Body simulation in conjunction with a Cloner object
  • Fixed an issue where Redshift was not rendering particles in the Picture Viewer
  • Fixed an issue with copying a Mesh Emitter to a new project where the linked Geometry disappeared
  • Fixed an issue with particles not taking into account whether the Particle viewport filter is enabled or not
  • Fixed an issue with the Upres function of cached Pyro simulations
  • Fixed an issue that prevented rendering in Picture Viewer when a Simulation Scene object was present in the project
  • Fixed an issue where particles were not rendered when the simulation was interrupted in the Viewport
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Spline Emitter
  • Fixed an issue with the Data Mapper's Lower In parameter
  • Fixed an issue with fast particle rotation


  • Fixed a stability issue with the XRef's object animation


  • Fixed an issue with the Surface Deformer not working correctly when loaded as an XRef

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