Why does Windows state an error at startup of Cinema 4D: "libmmd.dll was not found"?

  • Updated

Cause: The libmmd.dll file is needed for Cinema 4D and some other programs on your machine. This file is typically installed automatically with Cinema 4D. However, if the file isn't saved correctly or has been modified by another program, it can cause problems.

You are likely missing two DLL files: libmmd.dll and svml_dispmd.dll. These files can sometimes be lost by Windows for various reasons. Fortunately, these DLL files come packaged with your Cinema 4D installation in case they need to be replaced.

  1. Replace Missing DLL Files:

    • Go to C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D\resource\libs\win64.
    • Copy libmmd.dll and svml_dispmd.dll from this directory.
    • Paste both files into C:\Windows\System32.

    After doing this, try launching Cinema 4D again. It should now launch normally.

  2. If the problem persists:

    • Search for the file on your computer, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\intel64_win\compiler.
    • Delete the file and restart your computer.
    • Open the folder \bin\data\redist\ on your Cinema 4D installation media.
    • Install the file ww_icl_redist_intel64_2016.4.246.msi.
    • Restart your computer again.

After following these steps, Cinema 4D should run properly. Different programs may use various versions of these DLL files, which can change over time and cause issues when starting programs.

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