Why don't fonts look correct on machines rendered with Team Render but appear correct when rendered locally?

  • Updated

*Update for Cinema 4D 2024.2 and Newer*

When opening a project, if there are any missing fonts, you will now get a warning pop-up window displaying the missing fonts. Missing fonts can also be seen in the Project Asset Inspector.



If fonts do not appear correctly when rendering with Team Render, it's likely because the fonts used in the project are not installed on all machines in the Team Render farm.


You have two options:

  1. Install the *Fonts: Ensure that the fonts used in the project are installed on all machines in your Team Render farm.

  2. Make the Text Object Editable:

    • Highlight the text object.
    • Press "C" on your keyboard or click the "Make Editable" button. (Image Attached)

Making the text object editable converts it into a polygonal object, eliminating the need for the fonts to be installed on each machine. However, if you need the text objects to remain procedural, you must install the required fonts on all machines.


* Fonts, despite being the same type, can sometimes differ slightly between Windows and macOS, which can produce different results in a Mixed OS environment.



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