Sometimes files can become corrupted due to various reasons, including:
- Crashing while saving
- HDD/Network failure during saving
- Plugins corrupting save files
Error Messages:
- "Incorrect File Structure": It is usually possible to recover some or all of the corrupted file.
- "Unknown File Format!": This means the file is too corrupt for recovery.
Steps to Recover a Corrupted File:
For Windows:
- Do a Windows search for CMD to open the Command Prompt.
- Navigate to your Cinema 4D Program Folder (Normally C:\Program Files\Maxon\Cinema 4D 20XX of RXX).
- Drag and drop your Cinema 4D.exe into the Command Prompt window.
- Press space, then paste in -loadcorruptscenes.
Should look something like this:
For Mac:
- Go to the Applications > Utilities folder and open Terminal.
- Navigate to your Cinema 4D Application Folder (Normally Applications\Maxon\Cinema 4D 20XX or RXX).
- Right-click on the Cinema and select "Show Contents".
- Navigate through Contents to the macOS folder.
- Drag and drop the Cinema 4D file into the Terminal window.
- Press space, then paste in -loadcorruptscenes.
Should look something like this:
Open Your File:
- Once Cinema 4D has loaded, try to open your file. It may still say that the file is corrupt, but it will attempt to load what it can.
- Note: This process is "what you see is what you get", meaning no additional data can be recovered beyond what this process retrieves.
You can also watch a video on this process here.
If the Process Fails:
- Try the process on a different machine if possible as different machines can produce different results.
- If you have no other machines to try this on, please raise a support ticket here, and our team can attempt to recover the scene for you.
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