CLIENT - Team Render Client Console won't open

  • Updated

Issue: When trying to open the Team Render client, the splash screen appears, but the console doesn't open.


  1. Ensure Team Render Client is Not Already Open:
    Make sure that the Team Render client isn't already running in the background.

  2. Navigate to the Team Render Client Preferences Folder:

    Delete the preferences folder to reset the client settings.

Location of Preference Folders:

  • Mac:

    • Navigate to Macintosh HD / Users / [username] / Library / Preferences / MAXON
    • Delete the folder named *Maxon Cinema 4D 20XX_xxxxxxxx_c
    • Note: You may need to unhide hidden folders.
  • Windows:

    • Navigate to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\
    • Delete the folder named *Maxon Cinema 4D 20XX_xxxxxxxx_c
    • Note: You may need to unhide hidden folders.
  1. Restart the Clients:
    Reopen the Team Render client to see if the issue is resolved

*To prevent confusion, the folders for Team Render, Cineware, c4dpy, and Command Line are Cinema 4D 202*_********_$ where _$ is one of the labels below (note that the Cinema 4D folder has no label):

  1. Cinema 4D: no label
  2. Team Render Client: _c
  3. Team Render Server: _s
  4. Cineware: _w
  5. Command Line _x
  6. c4dpy _p

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