How to setup Team Render

  • Updated

TeamRender allows you to take advantage of other machines in your network to speed up render times.

You can install Team Render on machines in your network by installing Cinema 4D itself.

*There is no separate installer for Team Render. 


1. Enable Team Render

The first step is enabling ''Team Render' through the Cinema 4D Preferences.

You can do this by choosing 'Edit→Prefenreces→Team Render'


2. Add a machine to your Team Render Machines list:
Choose the 'Render' menu tab and then click 'Team Render Machines...'

Open the Machine menu in the Team Render Machines list and click "Add Machine"

Add the IP address or hostname of your Team Render Client machine followed by a colon, and port number – then click OK.

An example would look something like this when adding Team Render Client:

Default port numbers are:
Cinema 4D =  5400
Team Render Client = 5401
Team Render Server = 5402

IP, Hostname, and Port number are easily discoverable in the Team Render Client's console:

After adding the machine info, you will need to add the security Token:

The Security token can be found in the Team Render preference settings:


3. Run Team Render to Picture Viewer:

After all machines have been added to your Team Render Machines list, you can click "Team Render to Picture Viewer" to start rendering your project.


Important Notes:
If the machine is showing up as Unverified please follow these steps:

Select the machine to render from the list, right-click it and choose 'Verify...'

Please note that you will need the exact same version of Cinema 4D and Redshift on both machines.

You will see a window asking you to fill in the Security Token,

This can be found on the machine you want to render on.

Again, the Security token can be found in the Team Render Client Preferences here:


On rare occasions you may want to add Cinema 4D itself as a client, if you do, the security token for Cinema 4D can be found here:


When the icon turns GREEN, that means the machine has been connected and verified to the host device.


For visual clarity:
You can enable "Bucket Color" in the Team Render machines list, and each bucket you see in the picture viewer will be shown as a different color.



*Please note, that you need a separate Redshift Subscription for each Team Render Client node, you want to render on your GPU.


For example, if you want to render on three Team Render Client nodes, you need three Redshift Licenses in addition to your Maxon One / Cinema 4D License.


Make sure, your Team Render Client System meets the Redshift System requirements.


The 5 included Team Render Licences per Maxon One / Cinema 4D license applies to Standard, Physical Render, and Redshift CPU only.


If you have any issues using Team Render, please open a ticket here to our Support Team:

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