Student License: How do I renew my student licence?

  • Updated

The Maxon One Student license is a 1-year discounted license. After 1 year, you are able to renew your license, provided you are still attending an accredited program.

As student licenses do not renew automatically, you will need to re-validate your student status to obtain another year of a Maxon One Student License.

  1. Log into Maxon within 14 days of your student license expiry.
  2. Ensure you are still validated (or re-validate) your student status via SheerID.
  3. On the day your Maxon Student License expires, checkout using a new student year of Maxon One. Your student license is now set for another twelve months.
    • You're free to do this earlier than the day your Maxon Student License expires, but note that doing so will decrease your previous student license period (i.e. it will not append twelve months to your currently running student license).

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