Cinema 4D: Connecting a Client Machine

  • Updated

When you first open Cinema 4D, if unlicensed, you will see the License Manager window. If you already have a license but wish to change to using an RLM license, you will need to open the License Manager, this can be found in the Help menu. In the License Manager, select the RLM tab indicated in red here :


After selecting the RLM tab, the Setup RLM window will open. If it does not, follow the instructions under "How do I change the RLM server I connect to?”


In the Setup RLM window, enter the server machine name in Server. Getting the server machine name is described under How do I find out my Ethernet address and machine name?, The port number will automatically be set to 6112, the typical port used by Maxon. If, however, your IT team has chosen touse a different port ask them which one and enter it here. It will be the 4th number on the HOST line on the server, shown here in red.


Tip: The offline license and RLM Hardware ID entries are only used by Maxon internally. The RLM Hardware ID is the ID of the machine Cinema 4D is running on and not the license server ID.

Then press OK. Cinema 4D will connect to the license sever. This may take a moment the first time.Once a connection to the server has been made, a list of available licenses will be shown to the user.


Tip: Press Activate for the license you wish to enable for this machine. You will be asked to confirm your selection and the license will be assigned to this device.
Please note, it is not required to do this each time you run Cinema 4D. The selections will be recorded by Cinema 4D and will automatically be applied the next time you start Cinema 4D.Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_12.27.01_AM.png



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