Under My.Maxon.net - Assigned Licenses and Available Licenses will show different dates for the same license. These dates convey different information.
The Valid Until date under your Assigned Licenses will show when your device needs to be online to sync your license. This is not when your license expires or renews. This date renews every 7 days.
If you are working in an online environment, you can disregard this date: your license won't be interrupted unless your connection is interrupted.
If you are working in an offline environment, you will need to connect to the internet and validate your entitlement once every 7 days. Your licensing will be interrupted if you do not periodically connect to our servers.
The Valid Until date under your Available Licenses shows the actual end date of your license. You can refer to this date for information about when your license will expire or renew. Whether or not this date means expiration or renewal is dependent on if you have auto-renew enabled on your subscription.
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