With new Maxon App updates, users may face an error that prevents them from installing Maxon App on their machines. If you encounter Error 11025: Can not connect to Red Giant Service, we have some suggestions that may save you some time opening a support ticket.
Please try the following:
1. For Mac machines, contention over these log files may prevent the Red Giant service from starting:
- /tmp/redgiant.service.err.log
- /tmp/redgiant.service.out.log
Deleting the log files and then emptying from Trash may resolve that contention.
Note: You will need to toggle hidden folders view in order to see that file location.
In Finder, go to the Machintosh HD location, then click 'Command+Shift+period' and the hidden 'tmp' location should appear.
2. An incomplete removal of the Maxon App can leave the Red Giant Service in an indeterminate state. This can be resolved by running these uninstall scripts with admin privileges;
- uninstall-appmanager.sh/.bat
- uninstall-maxon-service.sh/.bat
The script files can be found at;
Windows: C:\Program Files\Maxon\Tools
Mac: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Maxon/Tools
3. Anti-virus software (e.g. Sophos) and/or firewall software can interfere with the proper installation of the Red Giant service. Turning off any anti-virus software and firewall software is recommended.
If you are still unable to install Maxon App, please file a ticket with our support team.
We are more than happy to assist you!
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