How to uninstall Cinema 4D on macOS?

  • Updated

At present, Cinema 4D cannot be uninstalled via the Maxon App.


To uninstall Cinema 4D from macOS:

  1. Delete the Application Folder:
    • Navigate to the Applications folder.
    • Find the Maxon Cinema 4D Rxx or Maxon Cinema 4D 20xx folder of the version you wish to delete.
    • Delete this folder and empty your trash.

To remove your Cinema 4D Preferences folder:

  1. Access the Preferences Folder:

    • The Preferences folder is located in your Users Library folder.
    • The path to this folder is Macintosh HD/User/<username>/Library/Preferences/Maxon.
  2. Reveal the Hidden Folder:

    • As this folder is hidden, hold down the Option (alt) key.
    • Go to the Mac menu, select Go, and then choose Library
    • Alternatively you can use the hotkey combination CMD+Shift+. (period key)

  3. Delete the Preferences Folder:

    • In the Library, navigate to the Preferences/Maxon folder.
    • Move the Maxon Cinema 4D Rxx or Maxon Cinema 4D 20xx folder to the trash bin.


  • Delete the entire Maxon folder in the Preferences directory. This will remove preferences for all versions of Cinema 4D that were/are installed.



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