- [Maya] When the Rendering Engine is changed in the Globals tab the Hardware Ray-Tracing checkbox is now enabled/disabled correctly
- [Maya] New scenes will use the new full subsurface scattering GI by default
- [Maya] Random Walk is now the default SSS mode for new RedshiftStandardMaterials
- [Maya] Added a warning when a Maya connection is made to a 'closure' attribute
- [Maya] Fixed bug that resulted in GI trace depth 1 not disabling GI
- [Maya] Maya joints now have their visibility tracked
- [Maya] Visible particle systems with a hidden instancer are now rendered as spheres
- [Maya] A node's LOD Visibility attribute is now taken into account when determining overall visibility
- [Maya] Particle shapes with arbitrary parent transforms are now supported
- [Maya] Transformation blur for particles now respects individual nodes' motionBlur attribute
- [Maya] The updating of AOV output filenames now includes tracking changes to defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix
- [Max] RS Standard Material compact UI layout can now be disabled (Advanced Render Setup > System > Local Plugin Options)
- [Max] When the Rendering Engine is changed in the Globals tab the Hardware Ray-Tracing checkbox is now enabled/disabled correctly
- [Max] Fixed issue where core preferences do not immediately save when toggling Hybrid Rendering
- [C4D] Addressed issue where aborting a bake in progess was not possible
- [C4D] Addressed an issue where curves produced by some third-party generators would not be extracted
- [C4D] Addressed an issue in the RenderView where some settings were reset when the window reopened
- [C4D] Addressed an issue with RSFile parameters in R26 where a long filename would overflow the attribute manager
- [C4D] Addressed an issue in Nodes, where constant Value connections to file or ramp parameters would be ignored
- [Houdini] Added support for Houdini 19.0.657 and dropped support for 19.0.561
- [Houdini] Added support for overriding multiple materials to the "instancefile" proxy instancing workflow
- [Houdini] New 'int rsproxymatlist(string proxyPath, string[] materialsList)' custom VEX function
- [Houdini] New "Redshift_getProxyMaterialsList" hscript command to get the materials list of any proxy node or file
- [Houdini] Added support for materials override list to the RS Packed Proxy SOP
- [Houdini] Minor fixes in the RS USD Material Builder HDA
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem while rendering high resoltion images (above 12k) to MPlay
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem related to rendering objects that should continue hidden (due to the display flag or the ROP lists) if edited while the IPR is running
- [Houdini] Added support for the optional "instancexform" parameter to the Instance OBJ node
- [Houdini] New options in the RS ROP node, Post Effects tab, to control the Color/PhotographicExposure/PostFX settings of the Viewport IPR rendering
- [Houdini] Fixed a rare crash while working with the RenderView and Viewport IPRs at the same time
- [Houdini] Fixed a crash while rendering scenes with camera crop values outside the allowed 0..1 range
- [Houdini] Automatic update of the RenderView cameras list after adding or renaming camera nodes
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem with the integer attributes mesh data introduced in the previous build
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem while instancing procedurals
- [Houdini] Added full support for the Alembic procedural "objectPath", "objectExclude" and "objectPattern" parameters
- [Houdini] Added support for instancing the Alembic procedural objects, including support for user data
- [Houdini] Added support for material mapping to the Alembic procedural from the "path" and "shop_materialpath" primitive attributes.
- [Houdini] Added support for facesets material mapping to the Alembic procedural, using the Alembic SOP's (or the parent OBJ's) "Remap Attributtes" multiparm
- [Houdini] Added support for tracesets to the Alembic procedural
- [Hydra] Added support for Solaris 19.0.657 and dropped support for 19.0.561
- [Hydra] Automatic updating of the animated Houdini vdb primitives in the viewport
- [Hydra] New render geometry settings LOP "Animated Volume" option to disable the viewport auto update of the static Houdini vdb objects, improving the scene extraction time
- [Hydra] Fixed a couple of issues in the Redshift LOP
- [Hydra] Added the "Render All Frames With a Single Process" option to the Redshift LOP
- [Katana] Improved Katana management of failed renders due to license fails or other issues
- [Blender] Fixed 'NoneType' error checking the changed lights in IPR mode
- [Blender] Fixed crash with 'Deep output' render because a bad cleanup on a previous 'Cryptomatte' pass buffer
- [Blender] Fixed matrix update issue with Dome Light in IPR mode
- [RT] Added a switch to disable secondary ray denoising in Redshift RT
- [RT] Fixed several crashes related to Hair.
- [RT] Added support for redshiftCmdLine rendering
- [RT] Fixed tremendously long shader compilation times for some materials based on Maxon noises. Further improvements are work in progress.
- [RT] Fixed a crash running an animation in RV
- [RT] Potentially fixed a bug that caused materials to mix up randomly.
- [All] IMPORTANT: Removed support for Kepler-generation NVidia GPUs; more info here: https://redshift.maxon.net/topic/36933/heads-up-ending-support-for-kepler-gpus-nvidia-600-and-700-series-soon
- [All] Added support for anisotropic phase for volumes; global fog now uses an improved phase function which can be disabled via a new legacy option
- [All] Added support for random walk SSS; more info here: https://redshift.maxon.net/topic/42978/heads-up-random-walk-sss-sneak-peek/19
- [All] Improved energy compensation for new Standard Material dielectric materials
- [All] Enabled SSS GI, which can be disabled via a new legacy option
- [All] Fixed ancient bug that would cause ray-traced SSS indirect/GI back-lighting to be missing; more info here: https://redshift.maxon.net/topic/42997/heads-up-fixing-bug-with-indirect-lighting-sss-behind-objects-for-3-5-05
- [All] Fixed ancient bug that could cause point-based SSS to crash in bizarre ways during the SSS point gathering stage
- [All] Fixed bug that would cause thin-walled back-lighting to be missing when using Lambertian Spheres diffuse model
- [All] Fixed an issue where a compilation of point clouds and proxies could produce wrong results (objects rendering at the center of the scene or not rendering at all)
- [All] Fixed bug introduced in 3.5.00 that would cause point particles with refraction to render black
- [All] Fixed bug introduced in 3.5.00 that could cause sheen reflections to appear too bright
- [All] Fixed rare crash that could occur when rendering with ray-traced diffusion SSS
- [All] Fixed bug introduced with OCIO support that could produce garbage dome light sampling when the dome light texture is in sRGB color space
Redshift 3.5.05 (2022.07) - July 26, 2022

Doug Y
- Updated
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