- [Maya] Fixed issue where orphaned OSL shader node output attribute(s) weren't being deleted following a recompile
- [Maya] Warning is now issued when a Maya shader connection can't be represented by an RS shader connection due to an unsupported RS shader output
- [Maya] Motion vector units and scale are now supported for meshes
- [Maya] Fixed crash when motion vectors/velocity based motion blur is used
- [Maya] Extensions can now register to use any node types
- [Maya] Additional Beauty AOV is now output when Global AOV is set to Remainder and no lights groups are explicitly listed but some are in the scene
- [Maya] Fixed issue where if the redshiftOptions.imageFilePrefix attribute is locked an error was reported when opening Render Settings window
- [Max] Fixed a potential crash when logging missing scene resources at render time
- [C4D] Addressed issue where aborting a bake in progess was not possible
- [C4D] Addressed an issue where curves produced by some third-party generators would not be extracted
- [C4D] Addressed an issue in the RenderView where some settings were reset when the window reopened
- [C4D] Addressed an issue with RSFile parameters in R26 where a long filename would overflow the attribute manager
- [C4D] Addressed an issue in Nodes, where constant Value connections to file or ramp parameters would be ignored
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem with the OCIO 1.x configs color correction in the viewport IPR
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem in the strands while rendering Z axis lines including multiple points
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem with the custom AOVs and the RS State node
- [Houdini] Fixed a crash while trying to use string attributes as mesh vertex data
- [Houdini] Fixed a crash from VOP subnets/hdas with multiple outputs if linked directly to the Redshift output node
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem between the Proxy Output SOP and the Output SOP, which was overriding the selected proxy output
- [Houdini] Updated the GUI of all the RS VOP nodes to use collapsible tabs (H19.0 only)
- [Houdini] Updated the GUI of the OSL VOP node to include all the source parameters inside a collapsible tab
- [Houdini] Added the automatic switching to Redshift Instances if there are material overrides, not supported by the Redshift Point Clouds
- [Houdini] Added support for the Output SOP bypass flag, to disable the output from this node if it's enabled
- [Houdini] Updated top menu docs and forum links
- [Hydra] MPlay monitor option exposed in the Redshift LOP HDA
- [Hydra] Fixed a problem in the strands rendering
- [Hydra] Fixed a problem with the custom AOVs and the RS State node
- [Hydra] Added support for single values primvars
- [Hydra] Added support for double type primvars
- [Hydra] Added support for UV map names with the format "uv2", "uv3", "uv4", etc
- [Hydra] Fixed a global problem in the multi-step motion blur data sampling
- [Hydra] Added proper support for the instances multi-step rotation motion blur
- [Hydra] Added support for crop/overscan using the DataWindowNDC parameters
- [Hydra] Added support for tile rendering
- [Hydra] Redshift LOP HDAs updated to create the main "color" AOV automatically
- [Katana] Fixed a problem in the strands rendering
- [Katana] Fixed a problem with the custom AOVs and the RS State node
- [Blender] Solved issue in IPR mode caused when change selection in enumerators aren't detect as change
- [Blender] Fixed limitation in the AOV's structures with a long paths in file names (bug report)
- [Blender] Fixed error cleaning the dictionary that store the changed objects in IPR mode. This issue cause that all the objects are updated every time
- [Blender] Improve performance in IPR update when the object only have transformation changes, then, only the matrix is updated instead the entire object
- [Blender] Fixed a bug updating lights in IPR mode. Now is possible to determinate exactly which set of objects and data blocks needed to be updated
- [Blender] added an small 'Info' icon to the Color Management panel linked to the forum thread that explain how to configure OCIO environment
- [RT] Fixed various memory leaks
- [RT] Fixed hair bug that would cause random crashes
- [RT] Fixed GPU crashes in the curvature, AO and round corners shaders
- [RT] Fixed a bug where objects that had "Receive Shadows" OFF blocked dome light reflections
- [RT] Added bokeh to depth of field
- [RT] Fixed an issue where texture sampling was very coarse for secondary rays
- [All] Added blackbody emission option to the volume shader
- [All] Fixed an issue where installations that contained non latin characters in their path would prevent all compute devices from being detected
- [All] Fixed bug that could cause non-linear 8-bit OCIO color space textures to render too dark
- [All] Fixed a memory-leak issue in the OSL compiler
- [All] Fixed rare bug that could cause a shader memory assert between rendering shaderballs
Redshift 3.5.04 (2022.06) - June 17, 2022

Doug Y
- Updated
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