Trapcode 2023.2.0 - January 11, 2023

Doug Y
Doug Y
  • Updated

New Features and Enhancements

  • Load time: Optimizations made to Particular loading times after initial application.
  • Linked Null: Linking the null created by Particular via expressions caused performance issues, so we've changed the method for linking to a layer selector.
    • When creating a null, Particular now selects that null in the 'Linked Null' menu. This has the added benefit of allowing users to select any 3D layer in the comp to link an emitter to.
    • One note is to make sure that Collapse Transformations is enabled for the layer in order for changes in transform data to be relayed to Particular, which is done automatically when clicking Create Null.
      Screen_Shot_2022-12-21_at_11.40.47_AM.png   Screen_Shot_2022-12-21_at_11.41.06_AM.png
  • PTF & Turbulence Field: Optimized performance when animating the Physics Time Factor in combination with the Turbulence field.
  • Dynamic Form Memory: Memory usage would sometimes continuously grow for a subset of long-lasting particles, which would ebb into available machine memory. This has been fixed and memory usage is now properly bounded.

Bug fixes

  • Improved migration from older Particular products
  • Improved the Bounce Random function within the Bounce physics to eliminate unnatural results

Known Issues

  • Spherical field overlay disappears if layer is selected/re-selected.
    • Workaround: Uncheck/re-check Visualize Field.
  • Low Physics Time Factor values may affect performance.

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