- [Maya] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Maya] Added support for legacy connections for RSHairRandomColor nodes
- [Maya] Rendering particle systems that used proxies would sometimes render the original proxy object too
- [Maya] When no CUDA compute devices are enabled, Optix is no longer available in the GUI nor during rendering
- [Maya] Particle instancers now produce the correct per particle data when motion blur is turned off
- [Maya] Older scenes that relied on less strict shader output parameter mapping are now handled correctly
- [Maya] Fixed issue when IPR is active and motion blur is turned on, then interacting with the scene caused surplus IPR refreshes
- [Maya] Exporting an invisible object as a proxy no longer generates an error
- [Maya] The Redshift | XGen | Export Patches... command now exports all patch geometry below the selected collection
- [Maya] A volume grid that is used as a proxy and instanced in a particle system is no longer rendered unless instanced
- [Max] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Max] Fixed missing label in UI for Shading Normal Adaption Technique render option
- [Max] Fixed issue where tyFlow custom data channels can be collected out of order (requires tyFlow v1.012)
- [Max] Fixed issue where tyFlow particles used different node names in Cryptomatte
- [Max] Fixed issue that caused mesh re-export / VRAM reset in IPR when modifying a material
- [Max] Fixed issue where UI does not update when resetting Volume curves
- [Max] Fixed missing Material pick buttons in RS OSL Material parameters UI for closure inputs
- [Max] Unsupported "Noise" dialog (from 3d Max standard UV transform) in RS Bitmap is now hidden (Max 2017+)
- [Max] Volume Material gradient controls are now color-managed
- [Max] Updated FumeFX support for version 6.0
- [C4D] Added native Pavement shader; Cinema 4D legacy Pavement shader is auto-translated to native shader
- [C4D] Addressed an issue with material stacking on hair objects that lead to a fatal assertion error in the core
- [C4D] Addressed an issue where direct AOVs would not be included in proxies under certain conditions
- [C4D] Addressed an issue where geometry with multiple materials stacked would be unnecessarily re-extracted under certain conditions
- [Houdini] Added support for Houdini 19.5.493 and dropped support for 19.5.368
- [Houdini] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Houdini] Added parameters to the Redshift Proxy SOP to preview any arbitrary proxy file in the viewport
- [Houdini] Added support for the light linking feature to the user procedurals
- [Houdini] Added new "Redshift_addUSDProcedural" command and shelf tool to create an OBJ node already configured to work as USD Procedural object.
- [Houdini] Added new "Redshift_IPRUpdateSubnetMaterials" hscript command to help while updaing HDAs including referenced parameters
- [Houdini] Added new option in the ROP node to let the plugin use the candidate lights to respect the instanced subnet lights
- [Houdini] Addressed the creation of empty directories while the IPR renders scenes with custom AOVs prefixes
- [Houdini] Addressed the overriding of the "shop_materialpath" attribute in the packed objects. New legacy option for old scenes in the ROP node
- [Houdini] Addressed the RenderView ROP selector to show the ROP nodes full paths
- [Houdini] Addressed a problem related to the lack of motion blur on the RS proxies on the first render
- [Houdini] Improved IPR performance for any parameter updating events, like transformations, material or light settings, etc.
- [Houdini] Improved performance while rendering to disk with the OptiX or OIDN denosing enabled
- [Houdini] Fixed an IPR problem while rewiring OSL nodes
- [Houdini] Fixed a bug in the OptiX/OIDN denoise overhead parameters
- [Houdini] Fixed a problem in the RenderView buckets marks when the denosing is enabled
- [Houdini] Improved performance when rendering sequences by disabling the not useful texture reload check phase
- [Katana] Added support for Katana 6.0v1 and dropped support for Katana 3.5
- [Katana] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Katana] Added support for the light linking feature to the user procedurals
- [Katana] Improved the live IPR updating performance
- [Katana] Improved performance while rendering to disk with the OptiX or OIDN denosing enabled
- [Katana] Fixed a crash in the live rendering feature due to a wrong exit code
- [Katana] Fixed a bug in the OptiX/OIDN denoise overhead parameters
- [Hydra] Added support for Solaris 19.5.493 and dropped support for 19.5.368
- [Hydra] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Hydra] Added support of op: and opdef: references in the texture nodes (not available for batch rendering)
- [Hydra] Added viewport preview tools to the Redshift Proxy LOP (visible in the guide purpose mode)
- [Hydra] Added support for the USD and Alembic procedurals light linking
- [Hydra] Added support for the Solaris light filters parameter to set custom light shaders working as relationship to support repathing
- [Hydra] Added new option to the Render Settings LOP, Output, AOV Processing tab, to bake the OCIO color correction
- [Hydra] Refactoring of the Redshift LOP node to remove dependencies, fix bugs and improve the node support and updating
- [Hydra] Fixed an IPR crash while updating the cameras motion blur settings
- [Hydra] Fixed a rare IPR crash while switching LOP networks including render settings
- [Hydra] Fixed a crash while rendering instances of objects (like imported characters) without point samples
- [Hydra] Fixed a problem with the points widths while rendering objects with non constant topology and deformations motion blur
- [Hydra] Fixed a problem with the proxy objects light linking
- [Hydra] Fixed a crash while switching LOPs related to the shaders release system
- [Hydra] Fixed a bug in the OptiX/OIDN denoise overhead parameters
- [Hydra] Addressed the GUI and resolve functions of the Camera LUTs and lens distortion file parameters
- [Hydra] Addressed a problem in the Solaris Camera LOP if Redshift is installed along with other renderers
- [Hydra] Improved performance when rendering sequences by disabling the not useful texture reload check phase
- [Hydra] Updated "Redshift USD Procedural" LOP node to support the USD file mesh, curves and points data viewport preview.
- [Blender] Added support for Blender 3.4.1
- [Blender] Added support for Intel Open Image Denoiser (OIDN)
- [Blender] Fixed a Light nodes editor limitation using texture types
- [Blender] Added code to ensure to apply the enabled device selection from the plugin preferences panel
- [Blender] Fixed smooth shader issue introduced in Blender 3.3.1
- [Blender] Fixed a 'corner case' issue that occurs when the user tries to launch a final render after closing an IPR session, or vice versa
- [Blender] Fixed a few issues because a Blender API changes in 3.4.1 (material index, smooth normals, etc.)
- [Blender] Added a specific build to manage the Blender API changes
- [USD Procedural] Fixed the procedural's overrides system (matte, tesselation, user data, etc.), which was completely broken
- [USD Procedural] Added support for render tags using the "render_tags" parameter; by default "geometry" and "render" are enabled
- [USD Procedural] Refactoring of the procedural's resources management to avoid conflicts between assets/scenes that include the same materials or shaders paths
- [USD Procedural] Implemented the access to the USD file mesh, curves and points raw data for viewport preview purposes
- [USD Procedural] Fixed a crash if the procedural is rendered without any parent xform
- [All] Added Tiles and Brick shaders to all supported DCC host applications
- [All] Fixed bug that caused incorrect volumetric emissions with negative values using blackbody mode
- [All] Fixed bug that affected how dispersion behaved with nested dielectrics and added global legacy switch option for older scenes
- [All] Fixed bug that caused artifacts in volume GI when using anisotropy
- [All] Fixed bug that could cause uv attributes to be lost on proxies with overridden materials, when scrubbing shaderballs
- [All] Fixed bug that could create a dark edge around vdb volumes when rendered with global fog
- [All] Fixed bug that could make nested proxies that are instanced not render correctly
- [All] Fixed bug that could cause a point cloud of proxies to render its instanced template on certain frames
- [All] Fixed bug that would make no-self-shadowing not work properly for hair and point primitives when hardware-accelerated ray tracing was enabled (in OptiX)
- [RT] Solved ghosting issues on camera movement
- [RT] Greatly improved antialiasing
- [RT] Energy clamps are now correctly applied
- [RT] The denoiser will lose less energy in undersampled filtering scenarios
- [RT] Improved light sampling
- [OSL] Fixed bug that caused the trace ray function to yield wrong results for the hit position
Redshift 3.5.13 (2023.02) - February 8, 2023

Doug Y
- Updated
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