The Home Page News window opens when you launch ZBrush and ZBrushCore. It allows you to keep in touch with what is happening in the world of ZBrush. However, it is only updated with the most important information, such as when a new version is released.
There are two ways that you can override the Home Page News. One is recommended and the other is not.
You can partially disable this window by clicking the gear icon at the upper right corner of the News window. This will bring up an Options menu. Change the radial button from "Always Show" to "Show if News Updated." This change the News window to only appear when it receives a new slide.
Please note that after making this settings change, you need to let the News slides play through once. ZBrush remembers what you have seen from the point that you make the settings change forward, so you have to actually see the current slides to stop the window from appearing until a new update.
Not Recommended
It is possible to permanently disable the screen. This is not recommended, but it is possible. To do so, go to your ZBrush folder and locate the ZScripts directory. Within that, open the DefaultZScript.txt.
At the start of the "[If," line, add two slashes: // Your default ZScript will then look like this:
[IPress,"Zplugin:Misc Utilities:Home Page"]
[IPress,"Zplugin:Misc Utilities:Home Page"]
Now save the file. The Home Page News will never appear again.
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