VFX 2023.3.0 - March 29, 2023

Doug Y
Doug Y
  • Updated

New features and announcements

  • Anamorphic Lens Support added to Lens Flares: Creates a premium AAA movie production look.
  • Supercomp adds Adjustment Layers adds Adjustment Layers, allowing for better integration for different types of renders.
  • Knoll Light Factory Deprecation: As of this release KLF is discontinued and is no distributed as part of VFX. If you have a previous installation of it, it will remain available to you for legacy project compatability. No future support or updates will be provided.

    • Q: If Knoll Light Factory Is deprecated, how can I open an old project?

    • A: Knoll Light Factory is no longer supported. Real Lens Flares should be used for new projects. However, if you have KLF installed, it will not be removed by our installers. This means you can still keep using it as long as it remains compatible with the host application.

      However, Maxon will not be providing any bug fixes or support for it and it is only distributed as part of VFX up until version 2023.2.0.

      If you do not have KLF installed and wish to reinstall it, you can run the VFX 2023.2.0 installer under Install > Other Versions > VFX 2023.2.0.

Bug fixes

  • VFX-6222 Premiere: Fixed an issue where Real Lens Flare showed a black screen during render.
  • VFX-6216: Fixed an issue where source layers wouldn't be added to Supercomp's UI.
  • VFX-6156: Fixed an issue where Real Lens Flare would crash hosts on quit.
  • VFX-6102: Fixed an issue where Supercomp would cause artifacting when working with linear sources.


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